March 31, 2025


We believe in performance and in work with innovation as ‘‘EDUCATION’’ is the master key by which we can solve all the problems such as crisis of morals, causes of conflict, poverty, misery, suppression, corruption,  violence and hatred. Education is also the master-key by which we can flourish and nourish equality, unity, fraternity and democracy.  We can promote harmony among diversity, all-round growth of a nation in the field of economy, social reformation, science and technology, sports and games and in culture. Education leads us to the way of noble life. Only education can formulate the way of peaceful association of mankind around the globe. Only education can sow the seeds of love. Only education can eradicate any kind of darkness of evil that may exist in any form of superstition and ignorance. Only education has a mighty power to open insight by which one can see the truth exists around us in Nature, in the matters, in the space and in the phenomena. Education, a light must be obtained through practice which moulds a man into an angel.  And those angels make the society a heaven. Education cleans our mind, purifies our soul, and places us to serve above self. If Education is practiced only in the form of scripts or    memorized to store in brain has a little function. On the other hand education applied appropriately and perfectly through our body, mind and hands on the ground-reality, someone turns into “educated”. If not so one remains in the stage of merely “literate”. We do not want just literacy we want Education.

  • This is the mission to dream

  • This is the destination to reach

  • This is the way to think 

  • This is the path to walk

  • This is the lesson to learn

  • This is the philosophy to hold

  • This is the work to be done

  • This is the way to make this earth a heaven.

Adarshabani Mission is working in the field of Education for 25 years and this year is its silver jubilee year’. Adarshabani Mission now sponsoring a recognized primary and secondary school under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and a Teacher Training College namely Adarshabani Teacher Training College recognized by N.C.T.E & affiliated to WBUTTEPA offers B.Ed. and WBBPE offers D.El.Ed Course.

The school of the Mission has earned reputation in the district, producing a lot of brilliant learners every year, who are mostly coming from villages. Both the institutions are situated at a completely noise and pollution free zone where nature is green but nearer to town and few meters away from NH-34, at Gazole.Malda.